Update from Cecile, Quaker local partner

The latest report for the five students within the care of our local partnership with the Rwandan Quakers…

Kevin is today doing her internship in SIMBA TOUR GUIDE COMPANY.

Given the social economic conditions of Kevine’s family, special attention to her is needed.  She would suggest to study in a boarding school. This would help her to improve her performance and feel calm despite her family’s hardship. I think that this would be a best solution to strengthen her in her carrier.



Ladislas is in his internship until the end of November 2018 with M&C CONSULTANT LIMITED.






Claire is also doing well, promising to perform better than last semester. She has no other problem and her goal is to have the best performance in her class for the next level.





Jean D’Amour is performing well and very happy for the given support. He is very focus in his studies and have hope in his future.






Francoise is also doing well and promised to improve her performance. In addition to that her condition of life must be considered for the next year. She would propose to change the school moving to Kigali nearby her family so that she can get special attention and good doctors.